Tom Berg (?-?) was an English tattooist who came to the United States at the turn of the century. He is known to have tattooed in San Francisco where he worked doing hand and electric tattooing. As with many tattooists of that era, Berg offered designs, stencils and color for sale.
His shop was in one of the roughest and toughest sections of old San Francisco – the so-called Barbary Coast area was lined with whorehouses, opium dens, shanghai bars, flop houses as well as the more up-scale “parlor houses. His flash designs were quite detailed for that era and he probably worked with a single needle set-up, which was not unusual in England at the turn of the century.
FYI, It now appears that Mr. Dominick Chance pinched many tattoo sheets from other tattoo artists. He then painted black borders covering the original artists’ signatures and passed said sheets off as his own. Bad Mr. Chance.