Many of our followers are diehard tattoo aficionados and collectors, and it’s easy to understand why. They know it’s rare to find the good tattoo stuff out in the wild, but we’ve got good news. We’ve gotten reports of an online tattoo auction to be held on the 13th & 14th – 1PM & 6PM each day, Eastern Time. It takes place at Guernsey’s in NYC’s Meat Packing District.

This collection was assembled by a Mr. Peter Mui, an actor, fashion designer, and musician. He traveled the globe collecting and learning about tattoo art, antiques and flash. His collection contains classic Japanese works such as Horiyoshi III to vintage tribal and biker tattoos, present day biomechanical creations and just about every other style you can imagine. Some of the items are a bit newer, for example there are plenty of comic book influenced designs, but diversifying the lot of over 1,000 items are things like a Victorian era English foot pedal operated tattoo machine.

Lucky for Mui’s family, he left them an incredible and massive archive of tattoo art, which they’re selling it at one of Mui’s favorite auctions. A lot of the works in this collection are incredibly unique; from depictions of psychedelic Himalayan gods to 200+ year old Burmese tattoo books. I especially like the Himalayan stuff, reminds us of why we like Rosie Camenga, he was cool and weird.

Even if you’re not buying, you should keep an eye on the auction. For collectors, you wouldn’t want to miss this for the world.
You can learn more and register bid on the Guernsey’s website.

Check out the collection.
Day 1:

Day 2:

Written by Scott Everett, student and project manager at Lift Trucks.